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发表时间:2020-08-21     阅读次数:     字体:【


同时,就在近日,3M公司在洛杉矶联邦法院针对KM Brothers Inc.和相关公司的索赔达成和解。据了解,这是一起涉及亚马逊口罩的诉讼,指控相关公司出售假的3M N95口罩,而且价格比3M定价高出近20倍。

外媒相关报道表示,因起诉,华裔男子Mao Yu及其公司KM Brothers、KMJ Trading Inc.和Supreme Sunrise Inc.将向3M或其选择的慈善机构支付近200,000美元,停止出售3M产品,并承认侵犯了其商标权利。


Dear Amazon USA seller performance team,

I am *** and I thank you for providing me with the opportunity to appeal my seller accounts suspension due to listing items under a brand that I am not approved to sell.

I understand that Amazon takes failure to comply with their requirements very seriously and I would like to share with you my plan of action in which I explain what I have done to resolve the issue and what will I do to prevent it from happening again

-The reason you are listing products that you are not approved to sell:

I have listed face masks for sale for that I have not taken pre- approval as earlier it was not required, later there was policy change regarding face mask and sanitizer.

Now, I am not allowed to list such items as it is only allowed to for US seller.

I have not gone through the latest update for Covid-19.

Steps you have taken to resolve this issue:

I have rechecked the details and deleted the such items..

I have carefully read and re-read all the Amazon policies specially the one concerning the proper ways how to source inventory and amazons policy to ensure that I not violate them again. As I am not US citizen, I have deleted the ASIN.

All listings which for which preapproval is required and could not be verified with valid invoices or receipts, meeting Amazon requirements have been completely deleted from My accounts inventory and will not be listed again.

How you will prevent this issue in the future:

All inventory will be source from reliable sources that directly from the manufacture or from authorized distributors who will be able to provide me valid invoice meeting Amazon requirement.

Before listing any items for sale I will carefully check whether the item required any pre-approval or not and they perfectly matched their Amazon product pages in every detail any inaccuracies will be resolved by updating the listings and fixing the incorrect information.

We know that polices and guidelines keep changing as per the society and county, to be updated on the latest updates we will not ignore any notification. We will go through it and follow those. I will follow all Amazon policies and guidelines.

I believe that these solutions are effectively everything the problems noted by seller performance in my suspension notice.

Thank you for taking the time to review my appeal and I am looking forward to continue selling on Amazon.





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